22 Date Night Ideas at Home
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One of the hardest things that I found when we had our son was that my husband and I suddenly had no time or energy for one another.
No time to go on dates and no energy to go out, even if we could manage to get out of the house.
So what we really needed to do was to find some creative date night ideas at home.
Which was really hard.
Especially because the longer we went without some quality time focused on one another the more annoyed I got with him. In part because we were struggling to connect on a regular basis.
One of the hardest things that I found when we had our son was that my husband and I suddenly had no time or energy for one another.
No time to go on dates and no energy to go out, even if we could manage to get out of the house.
So what we really needed to do was to find some creative date night ideas at home.
Which was really hard.
Especially because the longer we went without some quality time focused on one another the more annoyed I got with him. In part because we were struggling to connect on a regular basis.
So here’s what we came up with.
We had a handful of date ideas and, when we couldn’t figure out the date night ideas we could do at home right off the top of our heads, we would pull from a list of ideas we had come up with previously.

Pack a picnic of simple foods and enjoy the outdoors. You can either take the baby monitor with you while your child is sleeping or have someone come over and keep an eye on your kid while the two of your just enjoy some food, the outdoors, and each other’s company.
Fondue night
If you have a fondue pot this can be relatively simple. Cut up some veggies and bread if you decide on cheese fondue, or some fruit, cake, marshmallows, or other delicious items to dip in chocolate.
Order dinner in or cook and eat together.
Get creative and come up with a drink (or a list of drinks) that you two would be interested in having or learning to make. Then, take turns trying your hands at making drinks for one another. Not sure what to make? Check out Shaker & Spoon for a cocktail subscription box!
Create your own craft beer/ wine tasting
Pick out a couple of bottles of wine or beer and try them together. There are some great wine and beer pairing ideas online and you and your husband can rank your favorite wines or beers.
Watch a movie outdoors
If the weather is nice, you can pull a computer outside and watch a movie. Watching a movie in your living room is nice. But so is watching a movie in different scenery.
Take a class together
These days, classes are accessible from home for so many different interests. You can take cooking, entertainment, or sporting classes from places like Masterclass, Udemy, and a ton of other online options. Taking a class to learn something together can be one of the really fun date night ideas at home.
Rent a movie (or more!) or watch one of your favorites from the comfort of your own couch (or bed)!

Paint/art night
Take time and do something creative together – it doesn’t need to be painting. But you could do anything you’ll both enjoy – drawing, painting, or even coloring!
If you don’t have a lot of time, one free and simple date night idea you can do at home is just laying outside and stargaze. It’s a great activity that can let you just be quiet together or spend some time catching up.
Ice Cream/ Fro-yo/ Dessert
Spend some time enjoying your favorite dessert together.
Watch the sunset
If you have a decent view at home, a nice date night idea for home is just watching the sunset together.
Dinner and a movie
Spend some time set aside to enjoy a meal you love either before or during a movie. Whether it’s a movie you two haven’t seen, or one of your favorites.
Roast marshmallows around a backyard fire pit
One of my favorite things to do in our previous home was to enjoy some time by the fire pit in our back yard. It’s one of the things I miss in our current home. And it would make a great date night idea at home with a baby.
Order a date night box
There are so many different types of date night boxes that are available for purchase as a one time order as a monthly subscription box. For example, Crated by Love offers everything from retro date night ideas to mysteries. Night In boxes include activities, snacks and/or mixers, and dinner menu recipes. Not to mention they also offer boxes for your kids to enjoy while you date your significant other!

Breakfast/ brunch
Chances are, your kids will be awake during breakfast. But if having a nice, quiet breakfast in the morning is something you miss, have breakfast at night! It’s a great time to grab a mimosa together and chat.
Cards or board games
Sometimes all you really need to reconnect is to be focused on a common (or opposing) team! Play your favorite board game or pull out a pack of cards and spend some time focused on the game (and each other!)
Truth or Dare
This one can get a little intimate, but playing a game of truth or dare with one another can be fun chance to reconnect.
Dessert taste test
Ok, so this one may take someone running an errand to a couple of different stores or bakeries nearby. But if one of you grabs a different dessert from each place you two can try desserts from each different place and rank them.
Make your own pizza
Spend some time creating either a single pizza to share or personal sized pizzas. You can even grill them!

Draw pictures of one another
If you’re both good artists (even if you aren’t) you can attempt to draw pictures of one another. Chances are, if you’re not artists, it will be fun and potentially provide amusing results!
Read aloud to one another
If you enjoy reading, spending your date night at home reading to one another can be very calming.