24 Can’t-Live-Without Baby Items to Watch for on Amazon Prime Day 2019

24 Can’t-Live-Without Baby Items to Watch for on Amazon Prime Day 2019

Amazon Prime Day is right around the corner (technically it should be “DayS” since the event runs takes place on Monday July 15 & 16, 2019, but that’s neither here nor there). With this two-day parade of deals on the horizon, it got me thinking about my favorite, can’t-live-without baby items. Amazon notoriously doesn’t publish…

Struggling with PUPPS? How to survive Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques

Struggling with PUPPS? How to survive Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques

If this is your first time hearing of PUPPS, or Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques, I can relate. I had never heard of it until I began frantically searching the internet for why this strange rash was gradually overtaking my body at 26 weeks pregnant. And it itched. Man, did it itch. I was tested for Obstetric Cholestasis, a liver disorder impacting pregnant women that comes with itchy feet and palms. Thankfully, the results were negative. PUPPS, however, has no test and there is no cure except to deliver the baby. Since it causes no harm (and I use the word “harm” loosely – as slowly going crazy seemed likely at the time) to the mother or child, OBs generally don’t take action. Additionally, since there is no test for PUPPS, you may find your OB skeptical that you didn’t just come in contact with an allergen – like mine. My OB provided me with some methylprednisolone and suggested cortisol cream in moderation. None of it helped.

Hey Dogs! We brought you home a baby!

Hey Dogs! We brought you home a baby!

These babies were about to meet our newest baby and we weren’t entirely sure how they would take it. Willoughby had been my only baby for 7 years. That is, until we adopted Rocket a year and a half ago. And Rocket had been a rescue whom had flourished in a loving home, but clearly had some baggage from his past and remained skittish at times. Even though they’re both our sweet pups, there was a level of concern—of not knowing what to expect. Our attempts to prepare them included the following: