Working Mom
Working in addition to being a mom is exhausting. You have two full time jobs. And sometimes they’re hard to juggle and to know how to navigate doing well at both of them. Here you’ll find tips for adjusting back to work after maternity leave, navigating pumping at work, and more.
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Tips for leaving baby for the first time
Last month the husbster and I went away for the first time since our son was born. Just the two of us. Up until that point we had left our son behind as we had gone on dates around town, my husband had gone away for a couple of days on an annual canoe trip with his brother, and we had all gone out of town together.
But this was different.
Hubbaloo and I actually left the baby, and the State of Maryland, and flew to Florida for three entire days.
Free Stuff To Take From the Hospital After Birth – 9 Items to Be Sure to Grab for Mom
Being a working mom is a tough gig. It becomes a little tougher (and potentially more awkward) when you add pumping to that equation. This week I had the exceptionally awkward discussion with my male manager about where some of my time has been going since returning to work. “Um… well, I have to spend a certain amount of time during the day pumping.” Queue the awkward laughing and apologizing. Yup. Pumping at work can be awkward. But it doesn’t have to be all bad, just make sure you’re prepared.
These are the items I make sure to have every day:
3 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Working Mom
If you had asked me when we discovered that I was pregnant what advantages I expected to experience when going back to work after Little Man was born, I would have probably told you, “none.” What I’ve discovered since returning to my office job, though, is that there are some advantages – ones I didn’t expect. And of course, there are some unexpected disadvantages as well.
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Baby’s First Foods Tracker and Idea List
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Hi! I’m Sarah
Welcome to Snugglebug Life
I’m a mom, like you, navigating parenthood for the first time. Snugglebug Life is where I share the tips and tricks I wish I knew along the way along way!